What makes a brand successful in today’s highly competitive world?

Think of your favorite brands for a moment and ponder what draws you to them. Is it their logo, your previous customer experience with them, their reputation? There may be a myriad of reasons you are drawn to a brand, and those reasons are the building blocks to creating a solid brand. 

Brands exist and compete in an open, transparent, and digital world, where customers can find what they want in a matter of seconds. So, how will you stand out amid the competition? 

As marketers, we want to create a brand that customers and clients will remember and want to keep coming back to for more of what we offer. Branding starts with a logo and concept that captures the consumer’s attention and helps to define who you are and how you’ll relate to the people you serve. Branding, though, is more than a well-developed logo placed on everything you distribute. Yes, developing a strong and memorable brand includes:

  • A well-designed logo.
  • The right color palette.
  • Your choice of a consistent voice and tone for all of your messages that target your audience.
  • Creative packaging for your products. 

These are all essential parts of building a successful brand. But in today’s world, a great brand is more than a great logo. It’s about your company culture, corporate social responsibility initiatives, employee relations, customer experiences, and how you engage with your customers and clients that create a brand that people trust and become loyal to. 

As defined in this article, Why is Social Responsibility Important in Marketing? by the Investopedia Team, “Social responsibility in marketing involves focusing efforts on attracting consumers who want to make a positive difference with their purchases.” And in an article by Chris B. Murphy, Why Social Responsibility Matters to Businesses, he writes, “Being a socially responsible company can bolster a company’s image and build its brand.” Consumers are looking for brands that are giving back to the communities in which they serve and operate. 

How you engage with your employees can also be part of a winning strategy to building a brand that people love and want to support, increasing product usage and profits. In Chris Wakely’s article, 5 Ways HR Can Build Your Organization’s Brand, he states, “HR’s role in developing and managing the employee-company relationship is important for creating a brand that helps companies stay competitive.” When companies develop employee relations plans that share the company’s expectations, provide a clear path for growth within the company, create ways to engage team members, reward and recognize great work, they are building a great brand. Putting the focus on employee relations improves productivity and employee satisfaction, which can be a catalyst for improved customer service, building a positive reputation among clients and customers. 

Giving your customers ways to engage with you online is a fantastic way to stay connected with your customers, addressing any issues or concerns in real-time, further elevating your brand. In addition, these two-way communication channels give you the opportunity to provide important information to your customers, creating a brand that customers and clients can rely on and trust. 

Building a brand that potential and existing customers will want to support, promote, and keep coming back to for more is a complex process, but it is worth the time and effort it takes to do it. Your company will be the one that stands out among your competitors. 

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